Thursday, July 30, 2009

Are you still holding on to the past?

There is a person I know, who will confess that they keep record of a certain persons wrongs that they have done to them. When I presented the scripture in Corin 1:13 of God's kind of love keeps NO record of wrongs, the individual holds them because the person has not asked for forgiveness for those sins or wrongs done. We have to not allow the enemy to steal, kill, or destroy our lives because of someone else's wrong doing. If we continue to remain bitter and resentful towards the people that hurt us then we are only holding our own blessings and prosperity back, while the other person who hurt us is gone on about their life!

We have to really choose our battles and learn to just "let it go". I read this signage off the highway that read "your trials in life can make you bitter or better, which one are you?" The way people treat us or have treated us is no reason to remain bitter. I speak to those out there who are harboring bitterness in their hearts and say Bitterness Be Gone in Jesus Name. A bitter root produces bitter fruit, and no one wants to come upon a tree and find out that the fruit on the tree is not worth eating!

Let us keep our hearts with ALL diligence, for out of it flows the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23).

Another scripture for cleansing... Forgive us ours, just as we have forgiven those who have sinned against us..Matthew 6:12.

God Bless you here and thanks for stopping by reading and commenting on my blogs.

Lisa @ Maria's Moments, LLC


  1. You know this was for me becuase i was a stickler for holding on to hurts and building that wall...but thank you for helping me to start a new road to forgiveness!

  2. Thank you so much for starting this blog. You seem to be so real in sharing your life stories. They are really beneficial.
