Monday, July 27, 2009

God WANTS to be good to you

July 27, 2009

Did you know that God, El-El yon, "the most high God" longs to show His goodness to you? Yes you. Sometimes our own thinking and what we are expecting draws in the things that we are seeing in our lives, whether positive or negative. If you expect people to reject you or hurt you then that is what you will attract. If you expect preferential treatment and God's favor in your life, then guess what, that is what you will attract to you. If we really want to see change in our lives, we must change what we are attracting to ourselves.

When we practice being positive in every situation that arises in our lives, even if what is going on in our lives isn't so positive. You must understand that before your life can change, your attitude must change. We have to keep hope alive, because without hope we can become depressed, discouraged, despondent, and allow the enemy to hold us back by fear. But Psalms 42:5 encourages us to "hope in God and to wait EXPECTANTLY for Him". Hope can only be activated through our positive attitudes.

Your situation may be of great hopelessness, but if you change your expectation and your negative attitudes or view of it into a positive one, it will be well worth it. God truly longs to be good to you!

God Bless,

Lisa @ Maria's Moments

1 comment:

  1. Wow i didnt know that God cared about people to this degree. thx for the post
